The BIG News

So there I was down stairs watching my Dad fix my dryer…when down came David from upstairs (why he was up there I’ll never know…he was suppose to be helping my Dad) with a smile so big on his face… the one that says “I have news I want to share and can’t wait to tell you” …it’s a smile that is almost bursting to tell you good news. David had received an e-mail he has been waiting for, for like 3 weeks…We are very excited.

So without further ado…we have been honored by WPPI (Wedding Portrait Photography International) to receive 2 Awards of Excellence for our wedding photography.

We are so excited to have this honor. We each received an award for one of our photos that David had entered in the International Photography Competition, which is probably a good thing considering how competitive we are with our photography. We are so thankful to God who has given us these talents and love for photography, and to our family and friends who have supported us in our business. I don’t want to turn this into an academy speech so I’ll leave it at that.

Here are the Award winning photos:

This photo was taken at Sarah & Patrick Parkinson’s wedding during the ceremony.  This little girl was so cute and throughout the ceremony I was watching her out of the corner of my eye (because as you know there was a wedding going on) but first she was on her mother’s lap reading, then she was flopped over the side of the pew in boredom, then when everyone was standing and there was nowhere else for her to go, she flopped herself over the pew in front and decided to watch the action with this evidently excited expression… wait a minute, did I say excited?  She sure is cute though.

This is Sarah Laliberte’s ring it’s a beautiful Tacori ring, Jay & Sarah are friends of ours and we have the privilege of shooting their wedding in December, but we also had the privilege of doing their engagement shoot first..which kind of makes sense. We went to different locations in and around Owen Sound, this photo was taken out at Walter’s Falls Inn which is where their reception is going to be held.

Lots of people ask me what the ring is sitting on…it’s a peony bud. I love doing ring shots during an engagement shoot and this one is of my favorite.

It is such a blessing and an honor to have this award given to us and we hope we can continue to WOW people with our WOW shots.


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