Charlie & Dana’s Wet but Wonderful Wedding

Dana & Charlie’s wedding happened on a soggy Thursday in September. It was a small intimate wedding on a beach outside of Owen Sound over looking Georgian Bay.  Charlie and Dana were troopers and the weather co-operated just when we needed it too. we had a fun time getting ready and doing the “First Look” and I think Dana’s cat had a fun time too.

Dana had a beautiful something blue..Hand made lace Grandma had made.

Don’t do it kitty…I know they smell good but don’t touch.

As my Great Aunt use to say…Whether the weather be hot, or whether the weather be cold..we’ll whether the weather whatever the weather, weather we like it or not. So we did, Rain and Shine!

Intimate wedding of family and friends snuggled together under umbrellas.

Is there anything more romantic than kissing in the rain..I submit yes…Kissing in the rain on your wedding day.

Now when I say Dana & Charlie were troopers i’m not lying they hiked in the soggy-ness down to the bottom of Ingles Falls here in Owen Sound to capture these breathtaking photos. Thanks again guys.

Doesn’t this just look like a fairy land…with carpets of periwinkle nestled among towering cedar trees.

Walking on the beach at Hibou Conservation area…an amazing little spot with beach, birch, and water what more could you want.

After sunset we went to one more location…this one just happens to be one of david’s favorite.

Dana & Charlie’s reception happened in two parts first was a dinner for family and friends the night of the wedding..then the party on the following Saturday at Billy Bishop Airport.

LOVE the canoe holding drinks!! and the skiers on the top of the mountain of CAKE!!

Until next time..over and out


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